A Likert scale is a commonly used method to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of individuals or groups. It is a psychometric tool that consists of a series of statements, each with a range of responses, from strongly agree to strongly disagree. These responses are then assigned numerical values to analyze the data.

In this article, we will examine some examples of Likert scale agreement. These examples will provide a better understanding of how to design and use Likert scales in research, surveys, and other forms of data collection.

Example 1: Customer satisfaction survey

Question: How satisfied are you with our customer service?

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

In this example, the Likert scale measures the level of customer satisfaction with the quality of customer service. The results can help the company to identify areas for improvement and to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction.

Example 2: Employee engagement survey

Question: I feel appreciated and valued in my workplace.

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

This example measures the level of employee engagement in the workplace. It can help companies to identify areas that may affect employee motivation, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Example 3: Health-related research

Question: How frequently do you engage in physical activity each week?

More than 5 times a week

3-5 times a week

1-2 times a week

Less than once a week


This example measures the frequency of physical activity among respondents. The results can help researchers to understand the health-related behaviors of individuals and to design interventions that promote healthy behaviors.

Example 4: Education research

Question: How effective are the teaching methods in this course?

Very effective


Somewhat effective


Very ineffective

This example measures the effectiveness of teaching methods in a course. The results can help educators to improve their teaching methods and to enhance the learning experience of students.


In conclusion, designing an effective Likert scale requires careful consideration of the research question and the variables being measured. Examples of Likert scale agreement include customer satisfaction, employee engagement, health-related research, and education research. By using Likert scales, researchers can collect and analyze data in a way that is both quantitative and qualitative. The results can provide valuable insights into attitudes, opinions, and perceptions, helping organizations to make informed decisions and improve their performance.